Dog breed jewelry - Pit bull puppies for sale - Red nose pit bull
The Appear or Appear Actuality (Recall) command is actual important for ascendancy of your pet. Nobody wants a dog that ignores them nor do you ambition to accept to arise a seek affair every time he is alfresco and off his lead. The next assumption I typically make is 'assume the other dog owner knows nothing about dogs'. When I approach another dog owner on the street or in a park I often find that they are eager to have their dog meet both my dog and me. I often hear comforting words such as, "Oh, he's fine with other dogs," or, "It's ok, he's friendly." Well the truth is that maybe their dog has been friendly with a few dogs but who is to say that their dog will be friendly with my dog? I was once walking with a client and their dog down a path in the woods when along came a beautiful Airedale Terrier. As we approached the owner of the terrier called out, "He's friendly!" following which the dog immediately proceeded to lunge at the leash while barking quite aggressively, obviously looking for a fight. Both I and my client's dog barely missed being bit as the other owner was nearly pulled over. Ever since this experience, and many similar ones, I have realized that I can't trust the judgment of other dog owners.